Video recruitment: tips for the recruiter

Last March, the world changed, even for recruiters. But fortunately, normal life is slowly beginning to take shape again. More and more places around the world are seeing a phased reopening of schools, restaurants and offices. However, the intelligent lockdown was abrupt and called for a lot of creativity and demanded we be more flexible than ever. The biggest challenge for recruiters was continuing the processes without face-to-face interviews with candidates. Even in today’s world of social distancing, this remains an issue. Video job applications, fortunately, are proving to be a godsend. Some recruiters have been familiar with this for some time, international recruiters, for example. For many, however, it is a new way of working. Therefore, we have compiled a few tips to get you started and provide an insight into video recruitment opportunities.

Observe data privacy

As a lastminute solution, many recruitment professionals choose generic video conferencing tools like Skype, Google Hangouts or even WhatsApp video calling. To a certain extent, these resources are sufficient and allow users to continue their job interviews. At the same time, this type of software lacks some important functionalities and requirements, compared to video tools developed for recruitment. A key point here concerns the built-in functionality to manage data according to the principles of the GDPR legislation. Specific video recruitment platforms respect the strictest technical and organisational security standards. Users conduct job interviews with candidates anywhere in the world, in a secure environment and with the necessary approval of the candidate. If you cannot currently use such a platform, be aware that data privacy is required and try to fully comply with this. Communication is crucial here; inform candidates about the process and make sure, for example, that they have the option of having certain data deleted.

Remain professional and presentable

Let’s face it: one of the biggest advantages of working from home is that you can keep your sweatpants on. Nobody can see anything outside the screen, so no worries. However, do make sure you look presentable when you meet your candidates online. In general, it is best to prepare exactly as you would for a face-to-face interview:

    • Make sure you come across relaxed. For you as a recruiter, the first online meeting may also be exciting. Prepare well and take some test shots to see yourself back.
    • Keep all documentation handy. Consider the CV, LinkedIn profile, job description and anything else you might want to reference.
    • Walk through your script in advance. In doing so, take a structured approach with questions that provide insight into the candidate’s competencies.
    • Are you conducting the conversation with colleagues? Then prepare this together. When all panel members are aware of their specific task you come across as organised and purposeful.
    • See in advance how the candidate will be able to see you. In doing so, make sure you look professional, both in terms of clothing and background.
    • By now you are probably familiar with the famous BBC News interview. Inform roommates or colleagues of the meeting in advance to avoid a similar situation.

  • Above all: be on time! Because you don’t have to deal with traffic jams or public transport delays, a common mistake is to log in exactly on time. However, for both the recruiter and candidate, especially in a video interview, there are plenty of issues that can cause delays. Consider, for example, the Internet connection, webcam or sound settings. Start well in advance so you can configure everything correctly and go into the interview relaxed.

Create a strategy beyond live video interviews

Most recruiters began using live video interview formats when they were suddenly required to find an alternative to face-to-face interviews. Now that video seems to be having a lasting impact within recruitment as well, the key is to adapt your strategy accordingly. By using a specialised video recruitment tool, you can benefit a lot in terms of efficiency and improve employer branding. A combination of live video interviews, pre-recorded question interviews and video pitches gives recruiters a more complete picture earlier in the process. This makes pre-screening faster, fairer and more fun. Video job vacancies also massively increase the conversion rate, thereby attracting better candidates.

Do you have questions about how to improve your video recruitment strategy? If so, contact an expert at Ubeeo or Cammio. Together we help you set up a secure and efficient process.