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Digital accessibility (WCAG)

Accessible to everyone thanks to clear guidelines.

If the contents of the job posting are not visible to the user then they can’t respond to the vacancy. Digital accessibility prevents limitations or certain restrictions from negatively impacting a candidate’s chances. Ubeeo means you automatically comply with the WCAG, so you don’t have to worry about digital accessibility. 

What is required under the WCAG?

WCAG stands for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. These are the guidelines for digital accessibility. A series of recommendations ensure that websites, apps and other digital content are accessible to everyone, including everyone with disabilities

All content must be visible to all users. This even applies to someone with blindness or another vision impairment. So if an image contains information? Then it is important to make this visible for everyone.

All users must be able to operate all components of the website or an app. Therefore, use clear input fields and buttons. This even applies to users who cannot operate a mouse and therefore use their hands.

The information and interaction on a web page and in an app must be understandable to all users. This applies to the structure, navigation and naming of the different components used

Web pages and apps must offer information and interaction in a robust way. This means that it must work the same in different browsers and with assisted equipment for people with disabilities.

Why WCAG-guidelines are important?

We live in a digital world That is why it’s important that everyone has access to all information and services. Digital accessibility can also help attract more candidates.

Manage all your job marketing using Ubeeo

Legally required in the Netherlands

The Digital Accessibility Act in the Netherlands requires all government organisations to make their website(s) and app(s) digitally accessible in accordance with WCAG guidelines. Furthermore, government organisations must publish an accessibility declaration explaining how they meet the necessary requirements. Ubeeo means your organisation automatically meets the necessary guidelines.

100% WCAG-score with Ubeeo

The application forms and the candidates portal in Ubeeo 100% meet the required WCAG-guidelines. We had this tested by the Stichting Accessibility (Dutch Accessibility Foundation). We got the highest possible score. Our report also serves as proof for government organisations.
