Ubeeo presents: Ubeeo Webinars

We would like to share, for the first time in a webinar, the functionalities of Ubeeo that we are proud of. Sometimes this means taking a closer look to better understand a known functionality, sometimes it’s a new functionality we want to introduce for existing customers. Including applicable case studies and interesting examples from the field. All in a modern setting, with experts in the field and approachable for our most engaged users.

Smart application of AI.

In this first session, we looked at the application of Artificial Intelligence in the recruitment process. The integrated Traicie AI recruitment tool for matching candidates dramatically enhances the process of finding the best-suited candidate for the right company. You’re probably familiar with this, sometimes you have a candidate who doesn’t immediately fit the job opening, but does fit the company. Sometimes this candidate gets lost behind the “Do you mind if we keep your data?” message, but with the AI recruitment tool integrated into Ubeeo, this candidate will not get lost in the system. “Won’t this undermine my position as hiring manager, will I lose my job to robots!?” We hear you. And nothing could be further from the truth, let AI help you with candidate selection and your job will only get easier. And actually not only easier, but also more fun: you find employees who really fit the company culture.

Traicie is an expert on AI in the recruitment world. Their smart tool puts candidates first in the application process. It is not so much the vacancy that matches a candidate, but the company that matches a candidate – and this is used to match vacancies.

Interested? Watch the webinar again.

Did you miss this webinar? This one can be watched back here:

This was the first webinar, what can you expect next? We are working hard on a sequel – keep an eye out for updates. For example, newly released Ubeeo functionalities that we share with you extensively hands-on, along with even more interesting integrated tools that you can take advantage of.