Simplify the process of sourcing candidates for your new job postings. Let us find the right matches!
Ubeeo analyzes the candidate database to identify the best-suited candidate for a new vacancy. At a glance, you can identify the best fit or decide which candidates to invite for an interview. The matches are based on the vacancy title, job posting tekst and even soft skills and characteristics.
Why would you assess candidates one by one if Ubeeo can do that for you? Make it easy for yourself with our matching module. Enter a new vacancy and automatically receive suggestions for the best matches.
The module shows a matching score for each candidate. Or turn it around and see which vacancies best suit each candidate. This way you can easily find what you are looking for, without having to invest time and effort yourself.
Our matching module compares candidates with the vacancy title, job posting text and location. Ubeeo recognizes synonyms and comprehends the content for a strong match between the vacancy and candidates available in the database.
And do you think the commute is a deciding factor for a vacancy, or is work experience more important? Then you simply give those fields higher priority. The matching module then takes this into account.
Match vacancies and candidates (or vice versa) on soft skills and competencies. Use assessment providers we integrate with to further expand the matching module. This has proven valuable for companies, enhancing internal mobility.
You can be 100% inclusive with our ATS.
Retain knowledge and experience within the organisation. Enable current employees to apply first internally or offer relocation or job mobility opportunities for candidates seeking a new challenge within the organisation. Our module for internal mobility focuses inward.
Create talent pools with candidates that you want to save for specific vacancies. Use a tag for a talent pool. Assign that tag to candidates who have the right skills or matching characteristics.