The job market, recruitment demand and technology: something is always changing. Anyone who stands still loses sight of the target group. That is why the development process is an integral part of our solution – agile with both feet on the ground. The typical Rotterdam way.
There is probably no other software market in which trends follow each other faster than in recruitment. Some come and go quickly, while others permanently change the landscape. The years of experience we have help us focus on lasting trends that add value in our ATS.
Continued development is ingrained in the DNA of the Ubeeo ATS. The development process is part of our recruitment solution. Three teams (front office, back office and integration), deliver an improved version every 14 days. This way, the ATS continues to keep pace with the most important developments in the recruitment world.
Major changes often cause a lot of unrest. Particularly when it comes to software. Thanks to our continued development, we change step by step, with minor adjustments. Users can gradually get used to new functionalities. This reduces the risk of errors and increases support among everyone who works with it.
Curious about the most recent trends we’ve been working on? Ask us. We will contact you as soon as possible.