For current employees

Job vacancies on the Intranet or internal website

Give your own employees priority on vacancies or inform them specifically about internal job postings. Do you use the Intranet to recruit candidates internally or do you want to offer them the same experience as on a careersite? Use our integrated solutions or ask Ubeeo to develop a mini-site for job vacancies.

Integration or develop separately

The option for employees to apply internally via the Intranet requires advanced integration. It involves further customisation, which therefore requires more time and resources.

Instead, we develop a mini-site for job vacancies for many of our clients. It is a careersite, specifically for internal vacancies. It makes it easy for employees to apply for jobs and automatically include applications in the Candidate Journey.

RSS-feed with the job postings

Place a link to the mini-website on the Intranet to notify employees when internal vacancies become available. They can set alerts on job postings on the website and use the candidate portal, the same as on a careersite.

Or use our RSS feed to automatically display current vacancies on the intranet. You can place the list of vacancies exactly where employees can easily find them.

Integration and added referrals

Are you looking for Intranet integration for vacancies for your own employees? We are happy to work with you on this. In fact, you can broaden the integration by adding our module for referrals.