For over 20 years, we have been focusing solely on making the recruitment process for companies more efficient and effective, and there’s rarely a dull moment! We work with a multidisciplinary team based in the Hulstkamp building in Rotterdam (and regularly from home).
In the space of 2 years, Ubeeo has become one of the most in-demand corporate recruitment systems. Our 25 employees work very hard to keep it that way.
Ubeeo will be listed in the Main Software 50 Benelux. The number of certifications is also growing: ISO-27017 and ISO-27018 are set to be completed.
On April 1, Hireserve in the Netherlands will be renamed Ubeeo. The ISO-9001 certification also gives Ubeeo the desired quality label.
Hireserve moves to the front of the Hulstkamp building. With a view of the Maas, ISO-27001 certification is confirmed.
Hireserve BV will stand on its own two feet, with 12 dedicated employees and its own version of Hireserve ATS.
Hireserve BV moves to a larger office, with its own data centre (in anticipation of Brexit) and the launch of a new version under a new name: Hireserve ATS. ATS10 is the first to be used by Albert Heijn store managers.
The UK votes to leave the EU. Hireserve employs 9 people in the Netherlands, and 20 people in the UK, at this time.
New look & feel and introduction of spreadsheet functionality ‘XLGrids’.
First back office version based on ExtJS javascript library. We also make it possible for candidates to submit a complete and fully-fledged application via a mobile website.
LinkedIn (log in and application), Twitter (vacancies), Facebook (vacancies, login and application).
In the Netherlands, Erwin Kolijn is the first employee to join Hireserve BV.
Complete rebuild of the application, which is entirely modular and meets the strictest safety requirements.
Hireserve will have a Dutch branch. Leon Buijsman becomes co-owner alongside Jeremy Ovenden.
Leon Buijsman starts distributing iCams5 in the Netherlands. Yacht is the first Dutch client.
The first client to use Hireserve’s recruitment software as a service is Vodafone UK.
Jeremy Ovenden starts building an Internet Candidate Management System: iCams.